Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment and you should not expect to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 mins to learn more.
We're excited to enhance our collaboration with Tools for Humanity by integrating World Chain, marking another stride forward in our commitment to making blockchain technology more accessible.
Ramp Network becomes the first global crypto off-ramp provider to offer direct Worldcoin (WLD) sales to users worldwide (excluding the U.S.). Our users now have the ability to sell Worldcoin tokens (WLD) directly on World App, the first Worldcoin wallet built and operated by project contributor Tools for Humanity.
In November, we focused on cultivating fresh partnerships, broadening our fiat currency options, introducing alternative login options, and continuing to refine the user experience within our widget.
July's exciting conclusion: more crypto assets, unlocking new markets, and improving user experience.
We’re the first global crypto on-ramp provider to offer direct purchase of Worldcoin (WLD) directly via the World app.