With native USDt on TON, the network enhances Tether’s use case by enabling a simple, borderless experience for peer-to-peer payments in the Telegram Messenger ecosystem, which has grown to more than 900 million users globally. USDt is already the world's most widely-used stablecoin with a market cap of more than 107 billion dollars, supported on dozens of leading blockchains, and its launch on TON network, which is tightly integrated with the Telegram Wallet, will pave the way for further expansion of Telegram’s Apps and decentralized services on TON.
By adding support for USDt on TON, Ramp, one of the crypto industry's leading fintech infrastructure providers, will streamline in-and-out transactions for the entire TON ecosystem. Ramp enables developers to quickly integrate its easy-to-use crypto on- and off-ramps into any application, ensuring fast and seamless crypto purchases and withdrawals in more than 150 countries globally. It supports crypto-to-fiat and fiat-to-crypto swaps for over 100 digital assets while simplifying the KYC process to streamline the onboarding process for new users.
“Crypto transactions should be as simple as texting. At Ramp Network we share TON Foundation’s vision. We are excited to contribute to making it a reality by introducing on-ramping and off-ramping for USDt on TON across more than 150 countries. We look forward to seeing how enabling access to instant, low-cost crypto transactions can improve the lives of hundreds of millions of users in the TON ecosystem” said Szymon Sypniewicz, CEO of Ramp Network.
Ramp's roll-out of USDt on TON will be a gradual process, with its on-ramping initially launching on Ramp's main website, plus integrations with third-party wallets that opted to support TON assets. It will be followed later by the addition of USDt on TON to fiat off-ramp.
Ramp first announced TON support in December 2023 when it enabled on-ramp for the network's native asset Toncoin (TON).
About Ramp
Ramp is a financial technology company building solutions that connect the crypto economy with today’s global financial infrastructure. Through its core on- and off-ramp products, Ramp provides businesses and individuals across 150+ countries with a streamlined and smooth experience when converting between cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies. Ramp is fully integrated with the world’s major payment methods, including debit and credit cards, bank transfers, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and more.