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Is web3 dead? How can we build a better internet?

Thiago Earp
Reading time:
1 minute

The latest chapter in web3 history has raised a lot of questions about the future of the whole industry. Is web3 dead? If not, what is it good for?

Last edited on
November 22, 2022

While our thoughts are with those affected by the whole FTX debacle, we should also take this time to do some soul-searching and go back to the fundamentals.

In his talk during this year’s Token 2049 London, our CEO Szymon Sypniewicz shares a few stories from his experience with Ramp that go back to the fundamental ethos behind web3.

He also highlights why the web3 experiment matters, despite the many risks of being at the forefront of innovation.

Finally, as he announces our $70M series B fundraising round, he explains how we see Ramp’s current and future role in the evolution of the web3 - and our part in building a better internet.

Web3 is a collective effort - it’s a team sport. It’s only by staying true to the fundamental values behind our industry and working together that we’ll build a solid bedrock for the best possible future.

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Thiago Earp

Content Lead at Ramp Network.
Writer, Web3 & Blockchain educator.


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